Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Mean Girls in Books

 Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.

Top Ten Mean Girls!!
These are not listed in any significant order (or degree of meanness) --  just listing what books come to mind.
1. Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter: Underneath all that pink, tea cozies and portraits of kittens is a being who loves to embrace "It's good to be evil and dole out punishments." When Hermione and Harry lead her to the woods to get .... rid of her (I'm not going to say exactly what happens for those of you who have not yet read it), I just wish Harry had brought along one of those evil quills and force her to use it on herself. 

2. Aunt Spiker and Aunt Sponge from James and the Giant Peach: Telling your nephew the thing that killed your parents is out there and coming to get you. Giving James less than scraps to live off of. Locking James up in his rickety "room"- if I remember correctly was an attic? These B***s seriously need a smack down and then some.

3. Debbie Pelt from the Sookie Stackhouse Series/Southern Vampires series: She really was quite an animal (ha). But she got what she deserved in the end. I still find it extremely hard to believe Alcide actually was in love with her and thought that she wasn't that bad of a person. *sigh* Men...
4. Cecily from Lauren DeStephano's Wither (Chemical Garden #1): She acted like such a little prissy b** and so looking forward to sex, reading up on the Kama Sutra and pleasing her husband....she is just 13! That's all I'm going to say about her without talking about the rest of the book.

5. Melisande Shahrizai from Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel series: Though she pays well as a patron for Phedre, I was not a fan of her using "special" whips on Phedre, nor creating such havoc and trouble for Phedre and Jocelin.
6. Dorothea and Heketah SaDiablo from Anne Bishop's Black Jewel Trilogy: The evil, dark witches of the land intent on taking over Hell, the main female character (Janelle) and especially the Sadist.

7. Mrs. Coulter from His Dark Materials series: Way to be a mom and express some love.

8. War from Melissa Marr's Wicked Lovely series: Yes, yes I guess she does have to be a bit of a mean B** being called War and all - doesn't mean I hate her and feels she needs a smack down by the good guys.

9. President Coin from Mockingjay: Who all elected her as president again? She totally does not represent what the revolution stands for. Oh and I believe soooooo many people would not have died untimely deaths if it wasn't for her "leadership."
10. Caroline Bingley from Pride and Prejudice: She totally epitomizes snotty B*** to the extreme. 

What female characters do you think belong on this list?


  1. Umbridge! Great choice! She was a $/&@*

  2. Wait wait wait.... You put Umbridge BEFORE Melisande?! Oh wait, these are not in order... Ok I suppose I can forgive you since you know... Melisande took down COUNTRIES

  3. Great list! I had Debbie on mine too. I totally forgot about War - that was a great choice!

    Reading Lark's Top 10

  4. My daughter suggested President Coin also. I had a hard time thinking up many mean girls, so I like seeing others' lists. I think I should have placed Caroline Bingley on the list, though, because as you said...

  5. @sniffly - yeah, if I had put them in an actual order, Melisande would definitely been like in the top 3. ^_^ I spent an hour yesterday really thinking through allllll my books to think of characters that were not run of the mill.

  6. President Coin was awful, wasn't she? Just more of the same sort of evil that they spent the whole trilogy fighting against. Politicians, eh? :)


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